Tuesday, March 3, 2015

All In, All The Time

This may be one of the most impacting phrases that I may have heard in long time. As some of you may know, I like to play poker in my free time. If you have ever watched poker being played on t.v. (i.e. The World Series of Poker), you will hear a player say "All in" when he/she feels that they have the best hand and is willing to risk everything that they have in order to win. I was at a seminar and the closing statement that one of the speakers made was, "All in, all the time."

This is a term that shouldn't just be limited to poker players. This is something that can be applied to any and all of us in different walks of life. When you apply your skills to something, being a parent, a spouse, your occupation, a commitment to acheive some sort of personal life goal, you should be your entire effort in to it with nothing held back. If you truly believe it is the best possible situation that could be handed to you, you should without a doubt be willing to risk everything to be successful at it.

I was given the greatest new careert opportunity when I came on to Johnstone Supply. My direct supervisor has continually supplied me with information and tools to help me be successful. In turn, I am fully committing myself to him and his business so that we are both successful. I realized during the interviewing process that the people who are already in place have bought in to the organizational program in place. I want to be a puzzle piece that fits right in and helps to complete a bigger, better picture.

There is no excuse for doing anything only halfway. If you are going to take that mindset, then you shouldn't even bother taking on the task. Champions don't hold up the trophy at the end of the season because they just did what they could to get by. This isn't to say that you won't have bad days. You may even have days where it seems as if everything that you do fails. You still have a responsibility to yourself and those whom you answer to, to give maximum effort everytime.

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